VKA selected works list for Michael G. Coney

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Novel:Title: The Ultimate JungleAlso as Demain
Also as la jungle

Novel:Title: Friends Come in BoxesAlso as Immortels en conserve
Also as Certi strani amici (serialization)

Novel:Title: Winter's ChildrenAlso as Les enfants de l'hiver

Novel:Title: The Jaws That Bite, the Claws That CatchAlso as The Girl with a Symphony in her Fingers
Also as Les crocs et les griffes

Novel:Title: Mirror ImageGroup:Amorphs Universe
Also as In Strijd met de Waarheid
Also as L'image au miroir

Novel:Title: Brontomek! Group:Amorphs Universe
Also as Les brontosaures mécaniques [French]
Also as De Stalen Beesten [Dutch]
Also as Brontomek! [German]
BSFA Best Novel Award (1976)

Novel:Title: SyzygyGroup:Amorphs Universe
Also as Syzygie

Novel:Title: Susanna, Susanna!Group:Amorphs Universe
Group:John Maine

Novel:Title: CharismaGroup:Amorphs Universe
Group:John Maine
Also as Charisme

Novel:Title: The Gateway To NowGroup:Amorphs Universe
Group:John Maine
Also as Une fenetre ouverte sur le present

Novel:Title: I Remember PallahaxiGroup:Pallahaxi

Novel:Title: Hello Summer, GoodbyeGroup:Pallahaxi
Also as Rax
Also as Pallahaxi Tide

Novel:Title: Fang, the GnomeGroup:The Song of Earth

Novel:Title: Cat Karina Group:The Song of Earth
Also as La grande course de chars a voile [French]
Aurora Best Long-form Work in English award nomination (1983)
BSFA Best Novel award nomination (1983)

Novel:Title: The Celestial Steam Locomotive Group:The Song of Earth
Also as La locomotive a vapeur celest [French]
Aurora Best Work award nomination (1985)

Novel:Title: Gods of the GreatawayGroup:The Song of Earth
Also as Les dieux du grand loin

Novel:Title: King of the Scepter'd Isle Group:The Song of Earth
Aurora Best Long-form Work in English award nomination (1991)

Novel:Title: The Hero of Downways 
Novel:Title: Neptune's Cauldron 
Novel:Title: A Tomcat Called Sabrina 
Novelette:Title: Bulldog Drummond And the Grim Reaper Group:Foss Creek
Also as Bulldog Drummond e la trista mietitrice
Nebula Best Novelette award nomination (1997)

Novelette:Title: Werewolves in Sheep's Clothing Group:Foss Creek
Also as Werwolf im Schafspelz [German]
Nebula Best Novelette award nomination (1998)

Novelette:Title: Tea And Hamsters Group:Foss Creek
Aurora best Short-form Work in English award nomination (1996)
Hugo Best Novelette award nomination (1996)
Nebula Best Novelette award nomination (1996)

Novelette:Title: Die, Lorelei Nebula Best Novelette award nomination (1995)

Short story:Title: TroubleshooterAlso as Fauteur de troubles
Also as Individuare il guasto

Short story:Title: Sixth SenseAlso as Kommunikationsproblem

Short story:Title: The Girl With a Symphony in Her FingersAlso as La fille qui avait une symphonie dans les doigts

Short story:Title: The Never GirlAlso as La fille qui n'existait pas

Short story:Title: Snow PrincessAlso as La princesse des neiges

Short story:Title: Monitor Found in OrbitAlso as Le mouchard en orbite

Short story:Title: The Mind PrisonAlso as Prison mentale

Short story:Title: Whatever Became of the Mcgowans?Also as Que sont devenus les McGowan?
Also as Wat Is Er Toch van de McGowans Geworden?

Short story:Title: Oh, Valinda!Also as Rache für Valinda

Short story:Title: The Sharks of PentreathAlso as Rotomation
Also as De Haaien van Pentreath

Short story:Title: The Hand of Fair LysetteAlso as Sir Balin in The Hand of Fair Lysette

Short story:Title: SymbioteAlso as Symbioot

Short story:Title: The Initiation of AkasaGroup:Finistelle

Short story:Title: The ManyaGroup:Finistelle
Also as La Manya

Short story:Title: The Bridge On the ScrawGroup:Finistelle
Also as Le pont de la riviere Scraw

Short story:Title: Sophie's Spyglass Group:Foss Creek
Also as Sophie [French]
Aurora Best Long-form Work in English award nomination (1994)

Short story:Title: Mehitabel's MemoriesGroup:The Peninsula

Short story:Title: Poppy DayGroup:The Peninsula

Short story:Title: Those Good Old Days of Liquid FuelGroup:The Peninsula
Also as Das waren noch Zeiten
Also as Au bon temps du carburant liquide

Short story:Title: Catapult To the StarsGroup:The Peninsula
Also as La catapulte et les etoiles

Short story:Title: The Cinderella MachineGroup:The Peninsula
Also as La machine de Cendrillon

Short story:Title: Sparklebugs, Holly And LoveGroup:The Peninsula
Also as Les insectes de feu
Also as Holly et l'amour

Short story:Title: An Entry in the Galactic Wildlife Encyclopedia, Copyright 2046 
Short story:Title: The Angel of Marsh End 
Short story:Title: Bartholomew & Son (and the Fish-girl) 
Short story:Title: Belinda's Mother 
Short story:Title: Beneath Still Waters 
Short story:Title: The Bucca 
Short story:Title: The Byrds 
Short story:Title: Discover a Latent Moses 
Short story:Title: Esmeralda 
Short story:Title: Hold My Hand, My Love! 
Short story:Title: The Hollow Where 
Short story:Title: The Hook, the Eye And the Whip 
Short story:Title: In Search of Professor Greatrex 
Short story:Title: A Judge of Men 
Short story:Title: Just An Old-fashioned War Story 
Short story:Title: Memories of Gwynneth
Writing as:
    Jennifer Black
Short story:Title: The Most Ancient Battle 
Short story:Title: Penny On a Skyhorse 
Short story:Title: Prologue: Starquin the Almighty 
Short story:Title: R26/5/psy And I 
Short story:Title: Shout of the Storm Riders 
Short story:Title: The Small Penance of Lady Disdain 
Short story:Title: Starthinker 9 
Short story:Title: The Summer Sweet, the Winter Wild 
Short story:Title: The Tertiary Justification 
Short story:Title: Trading Post 
Short story:Title: The Trees of Terpsichore Three
    Eric Brown
Short story:Title: The True Worth of Ruth Villiers 
Short story:Title: Ultimatumbra 
Short story:Title: The Unsavory Episode of Mrs. Hector Powell-challenger 
Short story:Title: What Are Little Girls Made Of? 
Short story:Title: A Woman And Her Friend 
Chapbook:Title: The Song of Earth 
Collection:Title: Monitor Found in Orbit 
Essay:Title: Galaxy's StarsGroup:Galaxy's Stars

Essay:Title: Thank You For the MusicGroup:The Profession of Science Fiction

Essay:Title: Albion Writ: a Forest of Ears 
Essay:Title: I Remember Pallahaxi 
Essay:Title: Of the Song of Earth 
Essay:Title: Period of Transition 
Essay:Title: Whatever Happened To Fay Wray? 
Letter:Title: The Alien Critic #6 
Letter:Title: The Alien Critic #8 
Letter:Title: Science Fiction Review #16 
Letter:Title: Science Fiction Review #17 
Letter:Title: Vector 65 
Letter:Title: Vector 84 
Letter:Title: Vector 86 
Letter:Title: Vector 88 
Letter:Title: Vector 90 
Review:Title: Babel 17 
Review:Title: The Jewels of Aptor 
Review:Title: "new Worlds" No. 182 
Review:Title: The Sarsen Witch 
Foreword:Title: Monitor Found in Orbit 

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